45th Annual Edgar Steam Show

Credit: Edgar Steam Show Facebook page

Tractors, live music, and a flea market make for a fun family outing in North Central Wisconsin.

The 45th Annual Edgar Steam Show will take place this weekend, August 24-26, and attracts tens of thousands of people. Hosted by the Antique Steam & Gas Engine Club, the show begins at six each morning and ends with live music each night in two locations.

Want to learn how the farmers of yesteryear grew their crops? Come and see threshing machines and model steam engines, sawmill and shingle mill, crawler tractors and stone crushers. There’s even a blacksmith shop and rural school house, and more.

Start each day with a pancake breakfast from 6:30-11:30. The general store is open daily from 8-5 p.m. and working demonstrations from 9-5.

The flea market featuring 350 vendors will be open from 8-5 p.m. each day. Consignment auction starts Friday at 9 a.m. Spark show is on Saturday night. Watch the parade at 1 p.m. on Sunday and finish with live music.

An adult daily pass is $10 or $25 for the entire weekend, while kids twelve and under get free admission. Parking and shuttle wagon rides are free. Camping is available. No pets or alcohol carry-ins are allowed.

Also be sure and check out the club’s 2nd annual swap meet September 14 and 15, showcasing antique tractor and steam equipment and parts. Visit the website for more info.

Kurt Umnus Farm
W4255 Hilldale Drive
Edgar, WI 54426